Anti Ragging Policy and Committee

Anti Ragging Policy and Committee

  • Students should not indulge in ragging or support ragging directly or indirectly in whatsoever manner. Severe action will be initiated against those indulging in ragging or supporting ragging.

  • Ragging means causing, inducing, compelling or forcing a student, whether by way of a practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or violates his/her person or exposes him/her to ridicule or to forbear from doing any lawful act, by intimidating, wrong fully confining or injuring him or by using criminal force on him / her or by holding out to him / her any threat of such intimidation, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of criminal force.

  • Ragging Menace is a criminal offence and such of the students who involve in ragging will be rusticated from the college. Further, their University degree and conduct certificates will be embossed in BOLD letters with a statement that they indulged in ragging.

  • Students indulging and/or encouraging ragging will not be eligible for placement services, hostel facility, air concession, railway concession, scholarships, passport/visa clearance etc.

  • Photographs of students who have been involved in ragging shall be published in the notice board and also published in local newspapers.

  • Enquiry committee's decision regarding the punishment is final.

  • As per the orders of the Supreme Court, Govt. of India, UGC, AICTE, Govt. of Karnataka, VTU, ”Ragging” is a Criminal Offence leading lo Non-Bail able Imprisonment.

  • The offence of ragging is not only punishable under Section 116 of the Karnataka Education Act, 1983, but also under various provisions envisaged in Sections 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116,302,305,306, 339, 340, 341. 342, 343, 344, 346, 347, 354, 359, 368,448,451 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

Functions of Anti Ragging Squad

  • To monitor and oversee the performance of anti-ragging squad in prevention of ragging in the hostels and institution.

  • Creating a ragging free environment in the hostels and campus.

  • Conduction of monthly meetings.


Sl. No Name Designation Role
1 Dr. Nagabhushana B S Principal Chairman
2 Dr. Nataraj R Assoc. Prof. & HOD, Maths Head- Student Affairs
3 Dr. Manjunatha A.S Assoc. Prof. & HOD, Chemistry Convener
4 Mrs. Sajani Bhat Counsellor Member
5 Dr. Karthik Kumar M B Asst. Prof. S&H Member
6 Mr. Yogeesha G Asst. Prof. ESE Member
7 Dr. Hemanth Kumar N P Assoc. Prof. CSE Member
8 Dr. Asha K H Assoc. Prof. CSE Member
9 Prof. R Yashodara Assoc. Prof. ISE Member
10 Mr. Santosh Kumar R Assoc. Prof. EEE Member
11 Mr. Somashekar R Asst. Prof. ME Member
12 Mr. Raghavendra R Asst. Prof. Civil Member
13 Mr. Puneeth Kumar P Asst. Prof., AI&ML Member
14 Dr. Ranjini P. S. Professor. AI&DS Member
15 Dr. Teena Jaculin G Asst. Prof. MBA Member
1 Police Sub Inspector, Police Station, Kumbalagodu Member
2 Doctor, Kumbalagodu Hospital, Kumbalagodu Member
3 Boys Hostel Wardon DBIT Member
4 Girls Hostel Wardon DBIT Member
5 Student Representatives Class Representative’s Member