
Department of Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 2001 and has been upgraded to a Research Centre under VTU in the year 2010. The faculty are actively engaged in Research areas like Fluid Dynamics, Graph Theory, Differential Geometry, Data Analysis, etc. The major focus of the department is to inculcate Mathematical Thinking in engineering students. We teach core Mathematics courses to students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as offer electives in Mathematics. The faculty has published many papers in National / International Journals and also authored Text Books on Engineering Mathematics. The Department organizes an International Conference every year.

  • Provide mathematical tools and their applications for problem solving in Engineering and Technology.

  • M1: To provide the foundation and application in the area of Differential, integral and Vector Calculus,Linear and Partial differential Equations, Linear algebra, transformations applied mathematics.

  • M2: To provide the tools for iterative problem solving.

  • M3: To provide statistical and probabilistic tools for computation.

  • To create a sense of acceptance towards mathematics among graduate students.

  • To achieve consistently increasing trend in the pass percentage.

  • To enhance the magnitude of consultancy services.

  • To increase the quality and quantity of publications.

  • To apply for funded projects sponsored by DST/VGST/AICTE.

  • To have an All-Doctorate team of faculty members.

  • To organize Faculty Development Programmes periodically.

  • To conduct Short Term Courses in Mathematics.

  • To collaborate with industries and enter into MOUs with them.

  • To establish a Centre of Numerical Computations.

  • Well-ventilated class and tutorial rooms equipped with multimedia projectors

  • Departmental library

  • Internet Facility

  • Research Centre

18MAT11 Calculus and linear Algebra
18MAT21 Advanced Calculus and Numerical methods
18MAT31 Transform, Calculus, Fourier Series & Numerical Techniques
21MAT11 Calculus and differential equations
21MAT21 Advanced Calculus and Numerical methods
21MAT31 Transform, Calculus, Fourier Series & Numerical Techniques
21MATCS41 Mathematical foundation for computing probability and statistics
BMATS101 Mathematics-I for computer science and engineering stream
BMATE101 Mathematics-I for electrical and electronics engineering stream
BMATC101 Mathematics-I for civil engineering stream
BMATM101 Mathematics-I for mechanical engineering stream
BMATS201 Mathematics-II for computer science and engineering stream
BMATE201 Mathematics-II for electrical and electronics engineering stream
BMATC201 Mathematics-II for civil engineering stream
BMATM201 Mathematics-II for mechanical engineering stream
BCS301 Mathematics for computer science
BMATEC301 AV Mathematics-III for EC Engineering
BMATE301 Mathematics III for EE engineering
First Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(COs): The students will be able to
1 Mathematics-I for computer science and engineering stream BMATS101 C101.1 Apply the knowledge of calculus to solve problems related to polar curves andlearn the notion of partial differentiation to compute rate of change of multivariate functions
C101.2 Analyze the solution of linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations
C101.3 Get acquainted and to apply modular arithmetic to computer algorithms
C101.4 Make use of matrix theory for solving the system of linear equations and compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
C101.5 Familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/MATLAB/ PYTHON/ SCILAB
2 Mathematics-I for electrical and electronics engineering stream BMATE101 C101.1 Apply the knowledge of calculus to solve problems related to polar curves and learn the notion of partial differentiation to compute rate of change of multivariate functions
C101.2 Analyze the solution of linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations
C101.3 Apply the concept of change of order of integration and variables to evaluate multiple integrals and their usage in computing area and volume
C101.4 Make use of matrix theory for solving the system of linear equations and compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
C101.5 Familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/ MATLAB/ PYTHON/SCILAB
3 Mathematics-I for civil engineering stream BMATC101 C101.1 Apply the knowledge of calculus to solve problems related to polar curves.
C101.2 Learn the notion of partial differentiation to compute rate of change of multivariate functions.
C101.3 Analyze the solution of linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
C101.4 Make use of matrix theory for solving the system of linear equations and compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
C101.5 Familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/ MATLAB/ PYTHON/SCILAB
4 Mathematics-I for mechanical engineering stream BMATM101 C101.1 Apply the knowledge of calculus to solve problems related to polar curves.
C101.2 Learn the notion of partial differentiation to compute rate of change of multivariate functions.
C101.3 Analyze the solution of linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations.
C101.4 Make use of matrix theory for solving the system of linear equations and compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
C101.5 Familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/ MATLAB/ PYTHON/SCILAB
Second Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Mathematics-II for computer science and engineering stream BMATS201 C111.1 Apply the concept of change of order of integration and variables to evaluate multiple integrals and their usage in computing area and volume.
C111.2 Understand the applications of vector calculus refer to solenoidal, and irrotational vectors.Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.
C111.3 Demonstrate the idea of Linear dependence and independence of sets in the vector space, and linear transformation
C111.4 Apply the knowledge of numerical methods in analysing the discrete data and solving the physical and engineering problems.
C111.5 Get familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/ MATLAB /PYTHON/ SCILAB
2 Mathematics-II for electrical and electronics engineering stream BMATE201 C111.1 Understand the applications of vector calculus refer to solenoidal, irrotational vectors, lineintegral and surface integral.
C111.2 Demonstrate the idea of Linear dependence and independence of sets in the vector space, and linear transformation
C111.3 To understand the concept of Laplace transform and to solve initial value problems.
C111.4 Apply the knowledge of numerical methods in solving physical and engineering phenomena.
C111.5 Get familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/MATLAB/PYTHON/ SCILAB
3 Mathematics-I for civil engineering stream BMATC201 C111.1 Apply the knowledge of multiple integrals to compute area and volume.
C111.2 Understand the applications of vector calculus refer to solenoidal, irrotational vectors, line integral and surface integral.
C111.3 Demonstrate partial differential equations and their solutions for physical interpretations.
C111.4 Apply the knowledge of numerical methods in solving physical and engineering phenomena.
C111.5 Get familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/MATLAB/PYTHON/SCILAB
4 Mathematics-I for mechanical engineering stream BMATM201 C111.1 Apply the knowledge of multiple integrals to compute area and volume.
C111.2 Understand the applications of vector calculus refer to solenoidal, irrotational vectors, line integral and surface integral.
C111.3 Demonstrate partial differential equations and their solutions for physical interpretations.
C111.4 Apply the knowledge of numerical methods in solving physical and engineering phenomena.
C111.5 Get familiarize with modern mathematical tools namely MATHEMATICA/MATLAB/PYTHON/SCILAB
Third Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Mathematics for computer science BCS301 C201.1 Explain the basic concepts of probability, random variables, probability distribution
C201.2 Apply suitable probability distribution models for the given scenario.
C201.3 Apply the notion of a discrete-time Markov chain and n-step transition probabilities to solve the given problem
C201.4 Use statistical methodology and tools in the engineering problem-solving process.
C201.5 Compute the confidence intervals for the mean of the population.
C201.6 Apply the ANOVA test related to engineering problems.
2 AV Mathematics-III for EC Engineering BMATEC301 C201.1 Demonstrate the Fourier series to study the behavior of periodic functions and their applications in system communications, digital signal processing, and field theory. statistical data
C201.2 To use Fourier transforms to analyze problems involving continuous-time signals
C201.3 To apply Z-Transform techniques to solve difference equations
C201.4 Understand that physical systems can be described by differential equations and solve such equations
C201.5 Make use of correlation and regression analysis to fit a suitable mathematical model for statistical data.
3 Mathematics III for ee engineering BMATE301 C201.1 Understand that physical systems can be described by differential equations and solve such equations
C201.2 Make use of correlation and regression analysis to fit a suitable mathematical model for statistical data
C201.3 Demonstrate the Fourier series to study the behavior of periodic functions and their applications in system communications, digital signal processing, and field theory.
C201.4 To use Fourier transforms to analyze problems involving continuous-time signals and to apply Z-Transform techniques to solve difference equations
C201.5 Apply discrete and continuous probability distributions in analyzing the probability models arising in the engineering field. Demonstrate the validity of testing the hypothesis
First Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(COs): The students will be able to
1 Calculus and differential equations 21MAT11 C101.1 Apply the knowledge of calculus to solve problems related to polar curves and its applications in determining the bentness of a curve.
C101.2 Learn the notion of partial differentiation to calculate rate of change of multivariate functions and solve problems related to composite functions and Jacobian.
C101.3 Solve first-order linear/nonlinear ordinary differential equations analytically using standard methods.
C101.4 Demonstrate various models through higher order differential equations and solve such linear ordinary differential equations.
C101.5 Test the consistency of a system of linear equations and to solve them by direct and iterative methods.
Second Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Advanced Calculus and Numerical methods 21MAT21 C111.1 Apply the concept of change of order of integration and change of variables to evaluate multiple integrals and their usage in computing the area and volume.
C111.2 Illustrate the applications of multivariate calculus to understand the solenoidal and irrotational vectors and also exhibit the inter dependence of line, surface and volume integrals.
C111.3 Formulate physical problems to partial differential equations and to obtain solution for standard practical PDE’s.
C111.4 Apply the knowledge of numerical methods in modelling of various physical and engineering phenomena.
C111.5 Solve first order ordinary differential equations arising in engineering problems.
Third Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Transform, Calculus, Fourier Series & Numerical Techniques 21MAT31 C201.1 To solve ordinary differential equations using Laplace transform.
C201.2 Demonstrate the Fourier series to study the behaviour of periodic functions and their applications in system communications, digital signal processing and field theory.
C201.3 To use Fourier transforms to analyze problems involving continuous-time signals and to apply Z-Transform techniques to solve difference equations
C201.4 To solve mathematical models represented by initial or boundary value problems involving partial differential equations
C201.5 Determine the extremals of functionals using calculus of variations and solve problems arising in dynamics of rigid bodies and vibrational analysis.
Fourth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 COMPLEX ANALYSIS, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL METHODS 21MATME41 C211.1 Use the concept of analytic function and complex potential to solve the problem arising in Electromagnetic Theory
C211.2 Utilize conformal transformation and complex integral arising in aerofoil theory, fluid flow visualization and image processing
C211.3 Apply discrete and continous probability distribution in analysing the probability model arising in engineering field
C211.4 Analyze and solve linear programming models of real life situations and solve LLP by the simplex method.
C211.5 Learn technique to solve transportation and assignment problems.
2 Mathematical foundation for computing probability and statistics 21MATCS41 C211.1 Apply the concepts of logic for effective computation and relating problems in the engineering domain.
C211.2 Analyse the concepts of functions and relations to various fields of engineering comprehend the concepts of graph theory for various application of computational sciences
C211.3 Apply discrete and continous probability distribution in analysing the probability model arising in engineering field
C211.4 Make use of the correlation and regression analysis to fit a suitable mathematical model for the statestical data.
C211.5 Construct joint probability distribution and demonstrate the validity of testing of Hypothesis
3 COMPLEX ANALYSIS, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL METHODS 21MAT41 C211.1 Use the concept of analytic function and complex potential to solve the problem arising in Electromagnetic field Theory. Utilize conformal transformation and complex integral arising in aerofoil theory, fluid flow visualization and image processing.
C211.2 Obtain series solutions of ordinary differential equations.
C211.3 Make use of the correlation and regression analysis to fit a suitable mathematical model for the statestical data.
C211.4 Apply discrete and continous probability distribution in analysing the probability model arising in engineering field
C211.5 Construct joint probability distribution and demonstrate the validity of testing of Hypothesis
First Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(COs): The students will be able to
1 Calculus and linear Algebra 18MAT11 C101.1 Apply the knowledge of calculus to solve problems related to polar curves and in determining the bentness of curve.
C101.2 Learn the notion of partial differentiation, calculate rates of change of multivariate functions and solve problems related to composite functions and Jacobians
C101.3 Apply the concept of change of order of integrations and variables to evaluate multiple integrals and their usage in computing the area and volumes.
C101.4 Solve first order linear/nonlinear differential equations analytically using standard methods
C101.5 Make use of matrix theory for solving system of linear equations and compute Eigen values and Eigen vectors required for matrix diagonalization process.
Second Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Advanced Calculus and Numerical methods 18MAT21 C111.1 Illustrate the applications of multivariate calculus to understand the solenoidal and irrotational vectors and also exhibit the inter dependence of line, surface and volume integrals.
C111.2 Demonstrate various physical model throughout higher order differential equations and solve such linear ordinary differential equations .
C111.3 Construct a variety of partial differential equations and solution by Exact methods, Bernoulli D.E and Variable separable method.
C111.4 Explain the applications of infinite series and obtain series solution of ordinary differential equations.
C111.5 Apply the knowledge of Numerical Methods to solve problems arising in physics and engineering.
Third Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Transform, Calculus, Fourier Series & Numerical Techniques 18MAT31 C201.1 Use Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform in Solving Differential Equation in Network Analysis, Control System and other fields of Engineering
C201.2 Demonstrate Fourier Series to study the behaviour of periodic function and their Applications in system communications and digital Signal Processing and Field Theory
C201.3 Make use of Fourier Transform and Z Transformsto illustrate the functin arising in wave and heat propagation, signals and systems
C201.4 Solve the first and second order ordinary DE arising in Engineering problems using single step aand multistep numerical Methods
C201.5 Determine the external of functional using calculus of variation and solve problems arising in dynamics of rigid bodies and Vibrational Analysis
Fourth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 COMPLEX ANALYSIS, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL METHODS 18MAT41 C211.1 Use the concept of analytic function and complex potential to solve the problem arising in Electromagnetic Theory
C211.2 Utilize conformal transformation and complex integral arising in aerofoil theory, fluid flow visualization and image processing
C211.3 Apply discrete and continous probability distribution in analysing the probability model arising in engineering field
C211.4 Apply discrete and continous probability distribution in analysing the probability model arising in engineering field
C211.5 Construct joint probability distribution and demonstrate the validity of testing of Hypothesis
  • Pass in PUC/10+2 Examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the chemistry/Computer science/ Electronics/Technical vocational subjects and obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidate belonging to SC/ST category) in the above subjects taken together of any Board recognized by the respective State Governments / Union Territories or any other qualification recognized as equivalent there to.

  • The CET / COMEDK Exams (entrance exam) get over; normally the aspiring students would be able to assess their performance and seat allotment possibilities to the college of their preference. Therefore, after CET / COMEDK exams, there would be acceleration in the admission process under Management Quota.

  • To have assured seat under Management Quota, it is necessary to secure your seat early by complying with the terms and conditions.