Department of Information Science and Engineering

The Department of Information Science and Engineering was established in the year 2001 with an intake of 60 for UG program. Since then, the department has evolved over the years to portray its excellent academic performance. The intake was enhanced to 120 in the year 2018 and then to 180 in the year 2020.

The essential strength of the department is its faculty members. The department has 30 experienced faculty members, out of which 7 are PhD holders and 6 are pursuing PhD. All the faculty members are committedly guiding the students all the way through and make them adequately competent in order to match global standards. With student centric innovative practices and latest pedagogical concepts and training, the department transforms students into competent professionals with domain knowledge and skills to meet the challenges.

The research activities were promoted in the department with the launch of Research Centre under VTU, Belagavi, in the year 2021. Currently one supervisor is guiding 4 research scholars in various research areas like Data Mining, Big Data Analytics and Image Processing.

The department has been accredited by NBA, NAAC and Permanently Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi. The department has very good computing facility with updated software and hardware to aid innovative teaching-learning methods and the research needs with campus wide WiFi connectivity.

The department has an outstanding placement record with an average placement percentage of 92% over last 3 years. UG students are offered with Internship and projects from various Industries during their final and pre-final years.

The department has got MoUs with leading industries and conducted some events under that banner. It is also associated with professional bodies like ISTE and CSI.

Empower the students to thrive for excellence in the area of Information Science and Engineering to use technology for sustainable development for social needs.

  • M1: To provide theoretical and practical knowledge of Information Science and Engineering.

  • M2: To provide inter disciplinary knowledge to be the leaders with social responsibility.

  • M3: To collaborate with industry to facilitate content beyond syllabus.

  • M4: To promote team work through projects, co-curricular and social activities.

  • PEO1: Graduates will contribute in development of software applications keeping abreast of the development.

  • PEO2: Exhibit competence as an individual, in teams with leadership and managerial skills.

  • PEO3: By optimizing the technology, the graduates will be able to adopt lifelong learning.

    • PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems

    • PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

    • PO3: Design/development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

    • PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

    • PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

    • PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues, and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

    • PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

    • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

    • PO9: Individual and Teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

    • PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

    • PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

    • PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

  • PSO1: Apply the Mathematical tools, Electronics & Embedded Systems Knowledge, and Programming Knowhow to develop softwares.

  • PSO2: Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, High-Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, Network Security technologies and Software Engineering for providing solutions to the technological and social needs.

  • PSO3:Work individually and in teams, ethically exhibiting the managerial and leadership skills with sustainable Environment.

  • To obtain consistent results in academics

  • To enter into MOUs to facilitate training, internship, and placements

  • To establish a cell for providing consultancy services

  • To offer training programmes and continuing education programmes

  • To establish knowledge centres

  • To modernize the Laboratories with latest software and hardware

  • To promote Industry- Institute interaction

  • To have an all-doctorate team of faculty members

  • To publish technical papers in reputed Journals

  • To submit proposals for funded projects in R and D activities

  • To strive for acquiring Intellectual Property Rights

  • To enter into an understanding with globally renowned universities by involving students and faculty members in emerging technologies

  • Well-ventilated class and tutorial rooms equipped with multimedia projectors.

  • Laboratories with advanced equipment and sophisticated software.

  • Departmental library

  • Internet Facility

  • Innovative video lecture delivery facility

BCS301 Mathematics for Computer Science BCS401 Analysis & Design of Algorithms BIS501 Software Engineering & Project Management
BCS302 Digital Design & Computer Organization BIS402 Advanced Java BIS502 Computer Networks
BCS303 Operating Systems BCS403 Database Management Systems BIS503 Theory of Computations
BCS304 Data Structures and Applications BCSL404 Analysis & Design of Algorithms Lab BISL504 Data Visualization Lab
BCSL305 Data Structures Lab BCS405x ESC/ETC/PLC BIS515x Professional Elective Course
BCS306x ESC/ETC/PLC BCS456x Ability Enhancement Course/Skill Enhancement Course- IV BIS586 Mini Project
BSCK307 Social Connect and Responsibility BBOC407 Biology For Computer Engineers BRMK557 Research Methodology and IPR
BCS358x Ability Enhancement Course/Skill Enhancement Course - III BUHK408 Universal human values course BESK508 Environmental Studies
BNSK359 National Service Scheme (NSS) BNSK459 National Service Scheme (NSS) BNSK559 National Service Scheme (NSS)
BPEK359 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics) BPEK459 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics) BPEK559 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)
BYOK359 Yoga BYOK459 Yoga BYOK559 Yoga
Engineering Science Course (ESC/ETC/PLC) Engineering Science Course (ESC/ETC/PLC) Professional Elective Course
BCS306A Object Oriented Programming with Java BCS405A Discrete Mathematical Structures BIS515A Computer Vision
BCS306B Object Oriented Programming with C++ BCS405B Graph Theory BIS515B Artificial Intelligence
Ability Enhancement Course – III BCS405C Optimization Techniques BIS515C Distributed Systems
BCS358A Data analytics with Excel BCS405D Linear Algebra BIS515D Unix System Programming
BCS358B R programming Ability Enhancement Course / Skill Enhancement Course - IV
BCS358C Project Management with Git BCS456A Green IT and Sustainability
BCS358D Data Visualization with Phyton BCS456B Capacity Planning for IT
BCSL456D Technical writing using LATEX (Lab)
BIS601 Power system Analysis I BIS701 Big Data Analytics BIS801x Professional Elective (Online Courses) Only through NPTEL
BIS602 Control Systems BIS702 Parallel Computing BIS802x Open Elective (Online Courses) Only through NPTEL
BIS613x Professional Elective Course BIS703 Information & Network Security BIS803 Internship (Industry/Research) (14 - 20 weeks)
BIS654x Open Elective Course BIS714x Professional Elective Course
BIS685 Project Phase I BIS755x Open Elective Course
BISL606 Control System Lab BIS786 Major Project Phase-II
BIS657x Ability Enhancement Course/Skill Development Course V Professional Elective Course
BNSK658 National Service Scheme (NSS) BIS714A Deep Learning
BPEK658 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics) BIS714B Software Quality Assurance
BYOK658 Yoga BIS714C Embedded Systems
Professional Elective Course BIS714D Distributed File Systems
BIS613A Blockchain Technology Open Elective Course
BIS613B Internet of Things BIS755A Introduction to DBMS
BIS613C Compiler Design BIS755B Introduction to Algorithms
BIS613D Cloud Computing BIS755C Software Engineering
Open Elective Course
BIS654A Introduction to Data Structures
BIS654B Fundamentals of Operating Systems
BIS654C Mobile Application Development
BIS654D Introduction to AI
Ability Enhancement Course / Skill Enhancement Course-V
BIS657A Progressive App Development
BIS657B Tosca – Automated Software Testing
BIS657C Cyber Laws
BIS657D Devops
Third Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Mathematics for Computer Science BCS301 C201.1 Explain the basic concepts of probability, random variables, probability distribution
C201.2 Apply suitable probability distribution models for the given scenario.
C201.3 Apply the notion of a discrete-time Markov chain and n-step transition probabilities to solve the given problem
C201.4 Use statistical methodology and tools in the engineering problem-solving process.
C201.5 Compute the confidence intervals for the mean of the population
2 Digital Design & Computer
BCS302 C202.1 Apply the K–Map techniques to simplify various Boolean expressions
C202.2 Design different types of combinational and sequential circuits along with Verilog programs
C202.3 Describe the fundamentals of machine instructions, addressing modes and Processor performance
C202.4 Explain the approaches involved in achieving communication between processor and I/O devices.
C202.5 Analyze internal Organization of Memory and Impact of cache/Pipelining on Processor Performance
3 Operating Systems BCS303 C203.1 Explain the structure and functionality of operating system
C203.2 Apply appropriate CPU scheduling algorithms for the given problem
C203.3 Analyse the various techniques for process synchronization and deadlock handling
C203.4 Apply the various techniques for memory management
C203.5 Explain file and secondary storage management strategies
C203.6 Describe the need for information protection mechanisms
4 Data Structures and Applications BCS304 C204.1 Explain different data structures and their applications
C204.2 Apply Arrays, Stacks and Queue data structures to solve the given problems.
C204.3 Use the concept of linked list in problem solving
C204.4 Develop solutions using trees and graphs to model the real-world problem
C204.5 Explain the advanced Data Structures concepts such as Hashing Techniques and Optimal
Binary Search Trees.
5 Data Structures Lab BCSL305 C205.1 Analyze various linear and non-linear data structures
C205.2 Demonstrate the working nature of different types of data structures and their applications
C205.3 Use appropriate searching and sorting algorithms for the give scenario.
C205.4 Apply the appropriate data structure for solving real world problems
6 Object Oriented Programming with Java BCS306A C206.1 Demonstrate proficiency in writing simple programs involving branching and looping structures
C206.2 Design a class involving data members and methods for the given scenario
C206.3 Apply the concepts of inheritance and interfaces in solving real world problems
C206.4 Use the concept of packages and exception handling in solving complex problem
C206.5 Apply concepts of multithreading, autoboxing and enumerations in program development
7 Social Connect and Responsibility A BSCK307 C207.1 Communicate and connect to the surrounding.
C207.2 Create a responsible connection with the society
C207.3 Involve in the community in general in which they work
C207.4 Notice the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem –solving.
C207.5 Develop among themselves a sense of social & civic responsibility & utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
C207.6 Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities & gain skillsin mobilizing community participation to acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.
8 Data Visualization with Python BCS358D C208.1 Demonstrate the use of IDLE or PyCharm IDE to create Python Applications
C208.2 Use Python programming constructs to develop programs for solving real-world problems
C208.3 Use Matplotlib for drawing different Plots
C208.4 Demonstrate working with Seaborn, Bokeh for visualization.
C208.5 Use Plotly for drawing Time Series and Maps
Fourth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Analysis & Design of Algorithms BCS401 C211.1 Apply asymptotic notational method to analyze the performance of the algorithms in terms oftime complexity
C211.2 Demonstrate divide & conquer approaches and decrease & conquer approaches to solve computational problems
C211.3 Make use of transform & conquer and dynamic programming design approaches to solve the given real world or complex computational problems
C211.4 Apply greedy and input enhancement methods to solve graph & string based computational problems.
C211.5 Illustrate backtracking, branch & bound and approximation methods.
C211.6 Analyse various classes (P,NP and NP Complete) of problems
2 Advanced Java BIS402 C212.1 Apply appropriate collection class/interface to solve the given problem
C212.2 Demonstrate the concepts of String operations in Java
C212.3 Apply the concepts of Swings to build Java applications
C212.4 Develop web based applications using Java servlets and JSP
C212.5 Use JDBC to build database applications
3 Database Management Systems BCS403 C213.1 Describe the basic elements of a relational database management system
C213.2 Design entity relationship for the given scenario.
C213.3 Apply various Structured Query Language (SQL) statements for database manipulation
C213.4 Analyse various normalization forms for the given application.
C213.5 Develop database applications for the given real world problem.
C213.6 Understand the concepts related to NoSQL databases.
4 Analysis & Design of Algorithms Lab BCSL404 C214.1 Develop programs to solve computational problems using suitable algorithm design strategy
C214.2 Compare algorithm design strategies by developing equivalent programs and observing running times for analysis (Empirical).
C214.3 Make use of suitable integrated development tools to develop programs
C214.4 Choose appropriate algorithm design techniques to develop solution to the computational and complex problems.
C214.5 Demonstrate and present the development of program, its execution and running time(s) and record the results/inferences.
5 Discrete Mathematical Structures BCS405 C215.1 Apply concepts of logical reasoning and mathematical proof techniques in proving theorems and statements
C215.2 Demonstrate the application of discrete structures in different fields of computer science.
C215.3 Apply the basic concepts of relations, functions and partially ordered sets for computer representations
C215.4 Solve problems involving recurrence relations and generating functions.
C215.5 Illustrate the fundamental principles of Algebraic structures with the problems related to computer science & engineering.
6 Technical writing using LATEX (Lab) BCS456 D C216.1 Apply basic LaTeX command to develop simple document
C216.2 Develop LaTeX script to present the tables and figures in the document
C216.3 Illustrate LaTeX script to present theorems and mathematical equations in the document
C216.4 Develop programs to generate the complete report with citations and a bibliography
C216.5 Illustrate the use of Tikz and algorithm libraries to design graphics and algorithms in the document
7 Biology For Computer Engineers BBOC407 C217.1 Elucidate the basic biological concepts via relevant industrial applications and case studies.
C217.2 Evaluate the principles of design and development, for exploring novel bioengineering projects
C217.3 Corroborate the concepts of biomimetics for specific requirements.
C217.4 Think critically towards exploring innovative biobased solutions for socially relevant problems.
8 Universal human values course BUHK408 C218.1 They would become more responsible in life, and in handling problems with sustainable solutions, while keeping human relationships and human nature in mind.
C218.2 They would have better critical ability.
C218.3 They would also become sensitive to their commitment towards what they have
understood (human values, human relationship and human society).
C218.4 It is hoped that they would be able to apply what they have learnt to their own self in different day-to-day settings in real life, at least a beginning would be made in this direction.
Fifth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Software Engineering & Project Management BCS501 C301.1 Differentiate process models to judge which process model has to be adopted for the given scenarios
C301.2 Derive both functional and nonfunctional requirements from the case study.
C301.3 Analyze the importance of various software testing methods and agile methodology.
C301.4 Identify appropriate techniques to enhance software quality.
C301.5 Illustrate the role of project planning and quality management in software development
2 COMPUTER NETWORKS BCS502 C302.1 Explain the fundamentals of computer networks
C302.2 Apply the concepts of computer networks to demonstrate the working of various layers and protocols in communication network
C302.3 Analyze the principles of protocol layering in modern communication systems
C302.4 Demonstrate various Routing protocols and their services using tools such as Cisco packet
3 Theory of Computation BCS503 C303.1 Apply the fundamentals of automata theory to write DFA, NFA, Epsilon-NFA and
conversion between them.
C303.2 Prove the properties of regular languages using regular expressions.
C303.3 Design context-free grammars (CFGs) and pushdown automata (PDAs) for formal
C303.4 Design Turing machines to solve the computational problems.
C303.5 Explain the concepts of decidability and undecidability.
4 DATA VISUALIZATION LAB BAIL504 C304.1 Design the experiment to create basic charts and graphs using Tableau and Power BI.
C304.2 Develop the solution for the given real world problem.
C304.3 Analyze the results and produce substantial written documentation.
5 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BCS515B C305.1 Explain the architecture and components of intelligent agents, including their interaction with the AI environment
C305.2 Apply problem-solving agents and various search strategies to solve a given problem.
C305.3 Illustrate logical reasoning and knowledge representation using propositional and first-orderlogic.
C305.4 Demonstrate proficiency in representing knowledge and solving problems using first-order logic
C305.5 Describe classical planning in the context of artificial intelligence, including its goals, constraints, and applications in problem-solving.
6 Research Methodology and IPR BRMK557 C306.1 To know the meaning of engineering research.
C306.2 To know the procedure of the literature Review and Technical Reading
C306.3 To understand the fundamentals of the patent laws and drafting procedure
C306.4 Understanding the copyright laws and subject matters of copyrights and designs
C306.5 Understanding the basic principles of design rights
7 Environmental Studies BESK508 C307.1 Comprehend the principles of ecology and environmental issues pertaining to air, land, and water on a global scale
C307.2 Acquire observation skills for solving problems related to the environment.
C307.3 Conduct survey to describe the realities of waste management system.
Third Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(COs)
1 Transform Calculus, Fourier Series And Numerical Techniques 21MAT31 C201.1 To solve ordinary differential equations using Laplace transform
C201.2 Demonstrate Fourier series to study the behaviour of periodic functions and their applications in system communications, digital signal processing and field theory
C201.3 To use Fourier transforms to analyze problems involving continuous-time signals and to apply ZTransform techniques to solve difference eqution
C201.4 To solve mathematical models represented by initial or boundary value problems involving partial differential equations
C201.5 Determine the extremals of functionals using calculus of variations and solve problems arising in dynamics of rigid bodies and vibrational analysis
2 Data Structure & Applications 21CS32 C202.1 Identify different data structures and their applications
C202.2 Apply stack and queues in solving problems.
C202.3 Demonstrate applications of linked list
C202.4 Explore the applications of trees and graphs to model and solve the real-world problem
C202.5 Make use of Hashing techniques and resolve collisions during mapping of key value pairs
3 Analoge and Digital Electronics 21CS33 C203.1 Design and analyze application of analog circuits using photo devices, timer IC, power supply and regulator IC and op-amp
C203.2 Explain the basic principles of A/D and D/A conversion circuits and develop the same.
C203.3 Simplify digital circuits using Karnaugh Map, and Quine-McClusky Methods
C203.4 Explain Gates and flip flops and make us in designing different data processing circuits, registers and counters and compare the types
C203.5 Develop simple HDL programs
4 Computer Organization And Architecture 21CS34 C204.1 Explain the organization and architecture of computer systems with machine instructions and programs
C204.2 Analyze the input/output devices communicating with computer system
C204.3 Demonstrate the functions of different types of memory devices
C204.4 Apply different data types on simple arithmetic and logical unit
C204.5 Analyze the functions of basic processing unit, Parallel processing and pipelining
5 Object Oriented Programming With Java Laboratory 21CSL35 C205.1 Use Eclipse/NetBeans IDE to design, develop, debug Java Projects.
C205.2 Analyze the necessity for Object Oriented Programming paradigm over structured programming and become familiar with the fundamental concepts in OOP
C205.3 Demonstrate the ability to design and develop java programs, analyze, and interpret objectoriented data and document results
C205.4 Apply the concepts of multiprogramming, exception/event handling, abstraction to develop robust programs.
C205.5 Develop user friendly applications using File I/O and GUI concepts
6 C++ Programming 21CS382 C206.1 Able to understand and design the solution to a problem using object-oriented programming concepts.
C206.2 Able to reuse the code with extensible Class types, User-defined operators and function Overloading.
C206.3 Achieve code reusability and extensibility by means of Inheritance and Polymorphism
C206.4 Identify and explore the Performance analysis of I/O Streams.
C206.5 Implement the features of C++ including templates, exceptions and file handling for providing programmed solutions to complex problems.
Fourth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Mathematical Foundations for
21MATCS41 C211.1 Apply the cocept of logic for effective computation and relating problems in the engineering domain.
C211.2 analyse the concept of functiona and relations to varies field of engineering comprehend the concept of Graph theory for various applications of computational science
C211.3 Apply dicreate and continous probability distributions in analysing the probability models arising in the engineering field.
C211.4 Make use of the corellation and regeression analysis to fit a suitable mathematical model for the ststistical duty.
C211.5 Construct joint probability distribution and demonstrate the validity of testing the hypothesis
2 Design And Analysis Of Algorithms 21CS42 C212.1 Analyze the performance of the algorithms, state the efficiency using asymptotic notations and analyze mathematically the complexity of the algorithm.
C212.2 Apply divide and conquer approaches and decrease and conquer approaches in solving the problems analyze the same
C212.3 Apply the appropriate algorithmic design technique like greedy method, transform and conquer approaches and compare the efficiency of algorithms to solve the given problem.
C212.4 Apply and analyze dynamic programming approaches to solve some problems. and improve an algorithm time efficiency by sacrificing space.
C212.5 Apply and analyze backtracking, branch and bound methods and to describe P, NP and NPComplete problems
3 Microcontroller And Embedded Systems 21CS43 C213.1 Explain C-Compilers and optimization
C213.2 Describe the ARM microcontroller's architectural features and program module.
C213.3 Apply the knowledge gained from programming on ARM to different applications.
C213.4 Program the basic hardware components and their application selection method.
C213.5 Demonstrate the need for a real-time operating system for embedded system applications.
4 Operating Systems 21CS44 C214.1 Demonstrate the allocation of resources for a process using scheduling algorithm.
C214.2 Identify root causes of deadlock and provide the solution for deadlock elimination
C214.3 Explore about the storage structures and learn about the Linux Operating system.
C214.4 Identify the structure of an operating system and its scheduling mechanism
C214.5 Analyze Storage Structures and Implement Customized Case study
5 Python Programming Laboratory 21CSL46 C215.1 Demonstrate proficiency in handling of loops and creation of functions.
C215.2 Identify the methods to create and manipulate lists, tuples and dictionaries.
C215.3 Discover the commonly used operations involving regular expressions and file system.
C215.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
C215.5 Determine the need for scraping websites and working with PDF, JSON and other file formats.
6 Web Programming 21CSL481 C216.1 Describe the fundamentals of web and concept of HTML.
C216.2 Use the concepts of HTML, XHTML to construct the web pages.
C216.3 Interpret CSS for dynamic documents.
C216.4 Evaluate different concepts of JavaScript & Construct dynamic documents.
C216.5 Design a small project with JavaScript and XHTML.
7 Biology For Engineers 21BE45 C217.1 Elucidate the basic biological concepts via relevant industrial applications and case studies.
C217.2 Evaluate the principles of design and development, for exploring novel bioengineering projects
C217.3 Think critically towards exploring innovative biobased solutions for socially relevant problems.
C217.4 Corroborate the concepts of biomimetics for specific requirements.
8 Constitution of India & Professional
21CIP37/47 C218.1 Analyse the basic structure of Indian Constitution
C218.2 Remember their Fundamental Rights, DPSP’s and Fundamental Duties (FD’s) of our constitution
C218.3 know about our Union Government, political structure & codes, procedures.
C218.4 Understand our State Executive & Elections system of India.
C218.5 Remember the Amendments and Emergency Provisions, other important provisions given by the constitution
Fifth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Automata Theory And Compiler Design 21CS51 C301.1 Acquire fundamental understanding of the core concepts in automata theory and Theory of Computation
C301.2 Design and develop lexical analyzers, parsers and code generator
C301.3 Design Grammars and Automata (recognizers) for different language classes and become knowledgeable about restricted models of Computation (Regular, Context Free) and their relative powers
C301.4 Acquire fundamental understanding of the structure of a Compiler and Apply concepts automata theory and Theory of Computation to design Compilers
C301.5 Design computations models for problems in Automata theory and adaptation of such model in the field of compilers
2 Computer Networks 21CS52 C302.1 Learn the basic needs of communication system
C302.2 Interpret the communication challenges and its solution
C302.3 Identify and organize the communication system network components
C302.4 Design communication networks for user requirements.
3 Database Management Systems 21CS53 C303.1 Identify, analyze and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database using RDBMS
C303.2 Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database manipulation and also demonstrate the basic of query evaluation.
C303.3 Design and build simple database systems and relate the concept of transaction, concurrency control and recovery in database
C303.4 Develop application to interact with databases, relational algebra expression
C303.5 Develop applications using tuple and domain relation expression from queries.
4 Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning 21CS54 C304.1 Apply the knowledge of searching and reasoning techniques for different applications.
C304.2 Have a good understanding of machine leaning in relation to other fields and fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning.
C304.3 Apply the knowledge of classification algorithms on various dataset and compare results
C304.4 Model the neuron and Neural Network, and to analyze ANN learning and its applications.
C304.5 Identifying the suitable clustering algorithm for different pattern
5 Database Management Systems Laboratory With Mini Project 21CSL55 C305.1 Create, Update and query on the database.
C305.2 Demonstrate the working of different concepts of DBMS
C305.3 Implement, analyze and evaluate the project developed for an application
6 ANGULAR JS 21CSL581 C306.1 Describe the features of Angular JS.
C306.2 Recognize the form validations and controls
C306.3 Implement Directives and Controllers.
C306.4 Evaluate and create database for simple application
C306.5 Plan and build webservers with node using Node .JS.
7 Research Methodology &
Intellectual Property Rights
21RMI56 C307.1 To know the meaning of engineering research.
C307.2 to know the procedure of Literature Review and Technical Reading
C307.3 To know the fundamental of patent laws and drafting procedure
C307.4 Understanding the copyright laws and subject matters of copyrights and designs
C307.5 Understanding thebasic principles of design rights
8 Environmental Studies 21CIV57 C308.1 Understand the principles of ecology and environmental issues that apply to air, land, and water issues on a global scale,
C308.2 Develop critical thinking and/or observation skills, and apply them to the analysis of a problem or question related to the environment.
C308.3 Demonstrate ecology knowledge of a complex relationship between biotic and a biotic components
C308.4 Apply their ecological knowledge to illustrate and graph a problem and describe the realities that managers face when dealing with complex issues.
Sixth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Software Engineering & Project Management 21CS61 C311.1 Understand the activities involved in software engineering and analyze the role of various process models
C311.2 Explain the basics of object-oriented concepts and build a suitable class model using modelling techniques
C311.3 Describe various software testing methods and to understand the importance of agile methodology and DevOps
C311.4 Understand the importance of activity planning and different planning models
C311.5 Illustrate the role of project planning and quality management in software development
2 Full stack Development 21CS62 C312.1 Understand the working of MVT based full stack web development with Django.
C312.2 Designing of Models and Forms for rapid development of web pages.
C312.3 Analyze the role of Template Inheritance and Generic views for developing full stack web applications
C312.4 Apply the Django framework libraries to render nonHTML contents like CSV and PDF
C312.5 Perform jQuery based AJAX integration to Django Apps to build responsive full stack web applications
3 Software Testing 21IS63 C313.1 Explain the significance of software testing and quality assurance in software development
C313.2 Apply the concepts of software testing to assess the most appropriate testing method
C313.3 Analyze the importance of testing in software development.
C313.4 Evaluate the suitable testing model to derive test cases for any given software
C313.5 Develop appropriate document for the software artefact.
4 Data Mining and Data warehousing 21IS643 C304.1 Understand warehousing architectures and tools for systematically organizing large
database and use their data to make strategic decisions.
C304.2 Apply KDD process for finding interesting pattern from warehouse.
C304.3 Analyze the kinds of patterns that can be discovered by association rule mining.
C304.4 Evaluate interesting patterns from large amounts of data to analyze for predictions and classification.
C304.5 Design select suitable methods for data mining and analysis.
5 Renewable Energy Resourses 21EE652 C315.1 Discuss causes of energy scarcity and its solution, energy resources and availability of renewable energy.
C315.2 Outline energy from sun, energy reaching the Earth’s surface and solar thermal energy applications.
C315.3 Discuss types of solar collectors, their configurations, solar cell system, its characteristics and their applications.
C315.4 Explain generation of energy from hydrogen, wind, geothermal system, solid waste and agriculture refuse
C315.5 Summarize tidal energy resources, sea wave energy and ocean thermal energy
C315.6 Discuss production of energy from biomass, biogas
6 Software Testing Laboratory PCC
C316.1 List out the requirements for the given problem and develop test cases for any given problem .
C316.2 Design and implement the solution for given problem and to design flow graph
C316.3 Use Eclipse/NetBeans IDE and testing tools to design, develop, debug the Project and create appropriate document for the software artifact.
C316.4 Use the appropriate functional testing strategies. Compare the different testing techniques
C316.5 Classify and Compare the problems according to a suitable testing model applying the test coverage metrics.
Seventh Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Cryptography and Network
21IS71 C401.1 Understand Cryptography, Network Security theories, algorithms and systems
C401.2 Apply different Cryptography and Network Security operations on different applications
C401.3 Analyse different methods for authentication and access control
C401.4 Design necessary techniques to build protection mechanisms to secure computer networks
C401.5 Evaluate Public and Private key, Key management, distribution and certification
2 Cloud Computing 21CS72 C402.1 Understand and analyze various cloud computing platforms and service provider.
C402.2 Illustrate various virtualization concepts
C402.3 Identify the architecture, infrastructure and delivery models of cloud computing.
C402.4 Understand the Security aspects of CLOUD.
C402.5 Define platforms for development of cloud applications
3 User Interface Design 21IS733 C403.1 Understand importance and characteristics of user interface design
C403.2 Apply user interface design process on business functions
C403.3 Demonstrate system menus, navigation schemes and windows characteristics
C403.4 Analyze screen based controls and device based controls
C403.5 Design the prototypes and test plans of user interface
4 Software Architecture and Design Pattern 21CS741 C404.1 Design and implement codes with higher performance and lower complexity
C404.2 Be aware of code qualities needed to keep code flexible
C404.3 Experience core design principles and be able to assess the quality of a design with
respect to these principles.
C404.4 Capable of applying these principles in the design of object oriented systems.
C404.5 Demonstrate an understanding of a range of design patterns. Be capable of
comprehending a design presented using this vocabulary.
C404.6 Be able to select and apply suitable patterns in specific contexts
5 Energy Conservation and Audit 21EE745 C405.1 Discuss transmission interconnections, flow of Power in an AC System, limits of the loading capability, dynamic stability considerations of a transmission interconnection and controllable parameters.
C405.2 Explain the basic concepts, definitions of flexible ac transmission systems and benefits from FACTS technology.
C405.3 Describe shunt controllers, Static Var Compensator and Static Compensator for injecting reactive power in the transmission system in enhancing the controllability and power transfer capability.
C405.4 Describe series Controllers Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) and the Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) for control of the transmission line current.
C405.5 Explain advantages of HVDC power transmission, overview and organization of HVDC system.
C405.6 Describe the basic components of a converter, the methods for compensating the reactive power demanded by the converter.
Third Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Transform, Calculus, Fourier Series & Numerical Techniques 18MAT31 C201.1 Apply the Fourier Series to analyze circuits and system communications
C201.2 Explain the general Linear system theory for continuous time signals and digital signal processing using Fourier Transform and Z Transform
C201.3 Employ appropriate numerical Methods to solve algebraic and Transcendental equations. Also to Apply the concept of Regression Analysis in the Real Life problems
C201.4 Apply Numerical Methods to Evaluate the Integrals and also to evaluate the solution of Differential Equation
C201.5 Apply Greens Theorem, Divergence Theorem and Stoke's Theorem in various applications in the field of electro Magnetic and Gravitational Fields and Fluid flow problems
2 Data Structures and Applications 18CS32 C202.1 Identify different data structures and their applications.
C202.2 Apply stack and queues in solving problems.
C202.3 Demonstrate applications of linked list.
C202.4 Explore the applications of trees and graphs to model and solve the real-world problem.
C202.5 Make use of Hashing techniques and resolve collisions during mapping of key value pairs
3 Analog and Digital Electronics 18CS33 C203.1 Design and analyze application of analog circuits using photo devices, timer IC, power supply and regulator IC and op-amp
C203.2 Explain the basic principles of A/D and D/A conversion circuits and develop the same
C203.3 Simplify digital circuits using Karnaugh Map , and Quine-McClusky Methods
C203.4 Explain Gates and flip flops and make us in designing different data processing circuits
C203.5 Explain registers and counters and compare the types.
4 Computer Organization 18CS34 C204.1 Explain the organization and architecture of computer systems with machine instructions and programs.
C204.2 Analyze the input/output devices communicating with computer system.
C204.3 Demonstrate the functions of different types of memories devices.
C204.4 Apply different data types on simple arithmetic and logical unit.
C204.5 Analyze the functions of basic processing unit, parallel processing and pipelining.
5 Software Engineering 18CS35 C205.1 Design a software system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
C205.2 Assess professional and ethical responsibility
C205.3 Functions on multi-disciplinary teams
C205.4 Use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
C205.5 Analize, Design, Implement,Verify,Validate,Implement,Apply and Maintain software systems or parts of software systems
6 Discrete Mathematical Structures 18CS36 C206.1 Use Propositional and Predicate logic in knowledge representation and truth verification
C206.2 Demonstrate the application of discrete structure in different fields of computer science
C206.3 solve problem using recurrence relations and generating function
C206.4 Application of different mathematical proofs techniques in proving theorems in the courses
C206.5 Computer graphs, trees their application
7 Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory 18CSL37 C207.1 Design and analyze application of analog circuits using photo devices, timer IC, power supply and regulator IC and op-amp
C207.2 Develop simple HDL programs using simulator.
8 Data Structures Laboratory 18CSL38 C208.1 Develop C programs to demonstrate the concepts of array and string operations
C208.2 Implement the concepts of stack and queue to demonstrate their operations by using C programming language
C208.3 Develop C programs to demonstrate the concepts of linked list
C208.4 Design, develop and demonstrate the concept of non-linear data structures –Trees and Graphs.
C208.5 Develop C program to demonstrate the concepts of hashing.
Fourth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 COMPLEX ANALYSIS, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL METHODS 18MAT41 C211.1 Know the use of periodic signals and Fourier series to analyses circuits and system communications
C211.2 Explain the general linear system theory for continuous-time signals and digital signal processing using Fourier Transform and Z-Transform
C211.3 Employ appropriate numerical methods to solve algebraic and Transcendental equations
C211.4 Apply Greens theorem, Gauss divergence theorem and Stokes theorem in various
C211.5 Determine the Extremals of functional and solve the simple problems of the calculus of variations
2 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 18CS42 C212.1 Illustrate the time and space complexity of algorithms which provides solutions to the given problem
C212.2 Choose the problem that can be solved by divide and conquer technique from the set of problems
C212.3 Apply the technique of greedy algorithms in real life applications to get the optimal solution
C212.4 Apply the dynamic programming design technique to solve various problems
C212.5 Distinguish the problems that can be solved using backtracking method and other general design techniques for given set of problems
3 Operating Systems 18CS43 C213.1 Demonstrate the need for OS and different types of OS
C213.2 Apply suitable techniques for management of different resources
C213.3 Use processor, memory, storage and file system commands
C213.4 Realize the different types of OS in platform of usage through case studies
C213.5 Interpret file systems and storage techniques
4 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems 18CS44 C214.1 Describe the architectural features and instructions of ARM microcontroller
C214.2 Apply the knowledge gained for Programming ARM for different applications.
C214.3 Interface external devices and I/O with ARM microcontroller.
C214.4 Interpret the basic hardware components and their selection method based on the characteristics and attributes of an embedded system
C214.5 Develop the hardware /software co-design and firmware design approaches
5 Object Oriented Concepts 18CS45 C215.1 Recall and Understand the fundamental concepts required for Object Oriented Programming using C++.
C215.2 Recall and Understand the fundamental concepts required for Object Oriented Programming using Java.
C215.3 Recall, Understand and Apply the concepts of Classes, Constructors, Destructors, Inheritance and Exception Handling in Java
C215.4 Recall, Understand and Apply the concepts of Packages, Interfaces and Multi-Threaded Programming using Java.
C215.5 Recall, Understand and Apply the concepts of Event Handling and Swings using Java
6 Data Communication 18CS46 C216.1 Explain the various components of data communication
C216.2 Explain the fundamentals of digital communication and switching
C216.3 Compare and contrast data link layer protocols
C216.4 Summarize IEEE 802 standards
7 Design and Analysis of Algorithm Laboratory 18CSL47 C217.1 Design and implement the basic concepts like threads, inheritance and exception handling of java programming language
C217.2 Design, Analyze and implements the divide and conquer algorithms using java programming language and compare its time complexity for different cases.
C217.3 Design and implements the greedy algorithms using java programming language
C217.4 Design and implements the algorithms based on dynamic programming concepts using java programming language
C217.5 Design and implements the backtracking algorithms by using java programming language
8 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Laboratory 18CSL48 C218.1 Develop and test ProgramusingARM7TDMI/LPC2148
C218.2 Conduct the Programs on an ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 evaluation board using evaluation version of Embedded C'C'&KeilUvision-4tool/compiler.
Fifth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Management, Entrepreneurship for IT Industry 18CS51 C301.1 Define management, organization, entrepreneur, planning, staffing, ERP and outline their importance in entrepreneurship
C301.2 Utilize the resources available effectively through ERP.
C301.3 Make use of IPRs and institutional support in entrepreneurship.
C301.4 Define the Micro, Small enterprises and discussing the Importance of ERP and some case studies.
2 Computer Networks and Security 18CS52 C302.1 Explain principles of application layer protocols.
C302.2 Recognize transport layer services and infer UDP and TCP protocols.
C302.3 Classify routers, IP and Routing algorithms in network layer.
C302.4 Understand the Wireless and Mobile Networks covering IEEE 802.11 Standard.
C302.5 Describe Multimedia Networking and Network Management.
3 Database Management System 18CS53 C303.1 Understand the basic concepts of database management system and model the entity-relationship diagram for enterprise level database
C303.2 Identify, analyze and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database using RDBMS.
C303.3 Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database manipulation.
C303.4 Design and build simple database systems
C303.5 Develop application to interact with databases
4 Automata theory and Computability 18CS54 C304.1 Acquire fundamental understanding of the core concepts in automata theory and Theory of Computation
C304.2 Learn how to translate between different models of Computation (e.g. Deterministic and Non-deterministic and Software models).
C304.3 Design Grammars and Automata (recognizers) for different language classes and become knowledgeable about restricted models of Computation (Regular, Context Free) and their relative powers.
C304.4 Develop skills in formal reasoning and reduction of a problem to a formal model, with an emphasis on semantic precision and conciseness.
C304.5 Classify a problem with respect to different models of Computation
5 Application Development using Python 18CS55 C305.1 Understand Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control and Functions
C305.2 Develop, run and manipulate Python programs using Core data structures like Lists, Dictionaries, and use of Strings Handling methods.
C305.3 Develop, run and manipulate Python programs using File Operations and searching pattern using regular expressions.
C305.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
C305.5 Determine the need for scraping websites and working with CSV, JSON and other file formats
6 Unix Programming 18CS56 C306.1 Explain multi user OS UNIX and its basic features
C306.2 Interpret UNIX Commands, Shell basics, and shell environments
C306.3 Design and develop shell programming, communication, System calls and terminology
C306.4 Design and develop UNIX File I/O and UNIX Processes.
C306.5 Perl script writing Graduate Attributes (as per Understand the UNIX Architecture, File systems and use of basic Commands
7 Computer Network Laboratory 18CSL57 C307.1 Evaluate the performance of Ethernet LAN and Wireless LAN through simulation.
C307.2 Evaluate the performance of GSM and CDMA model through simulation.
C307.3 Develop JAVA programs for CRC and RSA algorithms.
C307.4 Develop JAVA programs for Bellman-ford and Leaky bucket algorithms, socket programming using TCP and UDP.
8 DBMS Laboratory with mini project 18CSL58 C308.1 Create, Update and query on the database.
C308.2 Demonstrate the working of different concepts of DBMS
C308.3 Implement, analyze and evaluate the project developed for an application
Sixth Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 File Structures 18IS61 C311.1 Retrieve and explain different techniques for organ and manipulation of data in secondary storage which include basic file structure concepts
C311.2 Illustrate management of records and organization of files for performance by applying object oriented concepts
C311.3 Compare primary and secondary indexing and construct model for implementing
C311.4 Construct and Illustrate indexed with appropriate data structures
C311.5 Discuss testing and its methods and demonstrate collision resolution using different techniques
2 Software Testing 18IS62 C312.1 Derive test cases for any given problem
C312.2 Compare the different testing techniques
C312.3 Illustrate the problem into suitable testing model
C312.4 Understand the appropriate technique for the design of flow graph
C312.5 Design and Develop appropriate document for the software artefact.
3 Web Technology and its applications 18CS63 C313.1 Describe the concepts of World Wide Web, and the requirements of effective web design.
C313.2 To construct basic websites using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets.
C313.3 To build dynamic web pages with validation using Java Script objects and by applying different event handling mechanisms
C313.4 To develop modern interactive web applications using PHP, XML and MySQL
C313.5 Use server side scripting with PHP to generate the web pages dynamically using the database connectivity
4 Data Mining & Warehouse Management 18CS641 C304.1 Understand the data warehouse models.
C304.2 Identify data mining problems and Understand the data warehouse models.
C304.3 Analyze different association problems.
C304.4 Analyze different classification and clustering algorithm.
C304.5 Apply different data mining algorithms to real time problems.
5 Renewable Energy Systems 18EE653 C315.1 Discuss causes of energy scarcity and its solution, energy resources and availability of renewable energy.
C315.2 Outline energy from sun, energy reaching the Earth’s surface and solar thermal energy applications.
C315.3 Discuss types of solar collectors, their configurations, solar cell system, its characteristics and their applications.
C315.4 Explain generation of energy from hydrogen, wind, geothermal system, solid waste and agriculture refuse.
C315.5 Discuss production of energy from biomass, biogas.
6 Software Testing Laboratory 18ISL66 C316.1 List out the requirements for the given problem
C316.2 Design and implement the solution for given problem in any programming language(C,C++,JAVA)
C316.3 Derive test cases for any given problem
C316.4 Apply the appropriate technique for the design of flow graph
C316.5 Create appropriate document for the software artefact
7 File Structures Laboratory with mini project 18ISL67 C317.1 Implement operations related to files.
C317.2 Apply the concepts of file system to produce the given application.
C317.3 Evaluate performance of various file systems on given parameters.
8 Mobile Application Development 18ISMP68 C318.1 Create, test and debug Android application by setting up Android development environment
C318.2 Implement adaptive, responsive user interfaces that work across a wide range of devices
C318.3 Infer long running tasks and background work in Android applications.
C318.4 Demonstrate methods in storing, sharing and retrieving data in Android applications.
C318.5 Infer the role of permissions and security for Android applications.
Seventh Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71 C401.1 Understanding and applying artificial intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms.
C401.2 Understanding and applying representation of knowledge and concept learning.
C401.3 Applying Classification Methods like Decision Tree Learning, Artificial Neural Network.
C401.4 Applying Classification Methods like Bayesian Learning.
C401.5 Understanding and applying Instance-Base Learning and Reinforcement Learning
2 Big Data Analytics 18CS72 C402.1 Understand fundamentals of Big Data analytics.
C402.2 Explore the Hadoop framework and Hadoop Distributed File system.
C402.3 Illustrate the concepts of NoSQL using MongoDB and Cassandra for Big Data.
C402.4 Employ Map Reduce programming model to process the big data.
C402.5 Understand various machine learning algorithms for Big Data Analytics, Web
3 User Interface Design 18CS734 C403.1 Understand Importance and Characteristics of User interface design.
C403.2 Understand User Interface Design process and Business functions
C403.3 Apply System menus, navigation schemes and windows characteristics.
C403.4 Understand screen based controls and device based controls.
C403.5 Design the prototypes and test plans of user interface
4 Robotic process Automation 18CS745 C404.1 To Understand the basic concepts of RPA
C404.2 To Describe various components and platforms of RPA
C404.3 To Describe the different types of variables, control flow and data manipulation techniques
C404.4 To Understand various control techniques and OCR in RPA
C404.5 To Describe various types and strategies to handle exceptions
5 Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing 18EE754 C405.1 Analyze about energy scenario nationwide and worldwide , also outline Energy Conservation Act and its features.
C405.2 Discuss load management techniques and energy efficiency.
C405.3 Understand the need of energy audit and energy audit methodology.
C405.4 Understand various pillars of electricity market design.
6 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Laboratory 18CSL76 C406.1 Conduct energy audit of electrical systems and buildings.
C406.2 Evaluate different algorithms.
7 Project Work Phase – 1 18CSP77 C407.1 Mention the objectives for the Project Proposed.
C407.2 Conduct the field survey of the existing system and the Literature Survey.
C407.3 Justify the feasibility and the relevance of the project.
8th Semester
Sl. No Course Title Course Code CO No. Course Outcomes(CO)
1 Internet of Things 18CS81 C411.1 Interpret the impact and challenges posed by IOT N/w s, leading to new architectural models compared & contrast the deployment of smart objects & Technologies to connect
C411.2 Appraise the role of IOT Protocols for efficient n/w communication elaborate the need for data analytics & security in IOT
C411.3 Illustrate different sensor technologies for sensory real world entities and identify the application of IOT Industry
C411.4 Analyse & understand the advanced IOT Architecture
C411.5 Understand Raspberry pi & Arduino programming & application development
2 Storage Area Network 18CS822 C412.1 Interpret the impact and challenges posed by IOT N/w s, leading to new architectural models compared & contrast the deployment of smart objects & Technologies to connect
C412.2 Appraise the role of IOT Protocols for efficient n/w communication elaborate the need for data analytics & security in IOT
C412.3 Illustrate different sensor technologies for sensory real world entities and identify the application of IOT Industry
C412.4 Analyse & understand the advanced IOT Architecture
C412.5 Understand Raspberry pi & Arduino programming & application development
3 Project Work Phase – 2 18CSP83 C412.1 Illustrate the concepts of data center, cloud computing and Virtualization
C412.2 Interpret the concepts of Raid level, Intelligent Storage Systems, component and technologies in techniques in
C412.3 Illustrate various SAN, NAS & CAS techniques.
C412.4 Demonstrate various techniques to secure and manage Storage Infrastructure and different back up technique.
C412.5 Compare various security implementations
4 Technical Seminar 18CSS84 C413.1 Ability to identify state-of-the-art and futuristic technologies through self-motivation and through collaboration with others
C413.2 Ability to conduct a detailed literature survey and self-study in order to completely understand the intricacies of the chosen topic
C413.3 Ability to conceptualize solutions built using state-of-the-art technologies in terms of their architecture, design and deployment
C413.4 Ability to identify the scope and limitations of specific technology in terms of their applicability along with a visualization of the means to grow specific technology
C413.5 Ability to create comprehensive technical reports using relevant tools and to make oral presentation of technical topics with adherence to timeliness, clarity and such other soft skills alongside a presentable attitude and behavior
5 Internship 18CSI85 C414.1 Get exposure to corporate world and build relevant abilities
C414.2 Shows affinity towards learning the latest tools in the industry
C414.3 Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and design real life problems solutions through latest technology
C414.4 Communicate effectively and write quality technical reports

Information Science Engineers have a wide range of job opportunities such as Software Engineer, IT Manager, Software Tester, Application Developer, Web Designer etc. After completion of graduation, one may pursue further studies like M.Tech, M.E. The department of ISE in association with the department of placement and training enables the placement process by moulding the students with good behaviour, right attitude and making them industry-ready. We provide pre-placement training such as technical, aptitude, reasoning, seminars, and technical talk which augment the student qualities such as soft, interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills.. Every year our students are getting placed in various companies like Tata Consultancy Services(TCS), Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS), Wipro Technologies, Infosys private Ltd, Hashed In Technologies, Accenture, Adobe, NTT Data, Tech Mahindra, L&T InfoTech, Amazon, CGI, KPMG, Mind Tree, FSS, Zensar Technologies, Evolutionary System Management, Accords Software, and Indian Navy, etc...

  • Pass in PUC/10+2 Examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the chemistry/Computer science/ Electronics/Technical vocational subjects and obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidate belonging to SC/ST category) in the above subjects taken together of any Board recognized by the respective State Governments / Union Territories or any other qualification recognized as equivalent there to. Once the CET / COMEDK exams (entrance exam) get over, aspiring students would be able to assess their performance and seat allotment possibilities to the college of their preference. There would be acceleration in the admission process under Management Quota after the exams. To be assured the seat under Management Quota, it is necessary to secure the seat early by complying with the terms and conditions.

Sl No Semester & Section Class Teacher Email id
1 III A Deepika A B
2 III B Mrs. Shridevi Sali
3 III C Mr. Venkatesh M. R
4 V A Mrs. Supriya
5 V B Mrs. Divyashree G
6 V C Mrs. Akshatha B. S
7 VII A Ms. Varsha R
8 VII B Mr. Ugranada Channabasava