
Mansoor Khan

Seminar Title : How AI/ML Changing World

Sponsered / Conducted by : Dept. of CSE

Conducted On : Sep. 28th 2019

No of attendees : 30

The entirety of the short term course was stretched across various phases in 5 days span of time. The first day began with brief introduction of Embedded system design principles and comprehensive discussion on the MSP430 architecture and its trade-offs, after theoretical discussions, practical classes were ascertained with hardware implementation of the concepts learnt using the code- composer studio and Energia IDE platforms. The second day focused on advanced concepts of embedded systems design and implementation of customized code for various sensors and actuators using the MSP430F55 platform. The third day of the workshop was a transition from Embedded systems to the brief introduction of internet of things which required us to understand various industry standard IOT protocols and their theoretical understanding. The fourth day of the workshop revolved around familiarizing with the CC3100 boosterpack hardware and frontend/backend understanding of MQTT and IOT protocols which was followed by practical implementation of all theoretical concepts simultaneously on the hardware. The fifth and the final day of the workshop was completely focused on developing a mini-project “rash driving alert system using CC3100 boosterpack and MSP430” binding all concepts learnt previously to one project, prelude to conclusion the resource personnel0 curated student registrations to Texas instrument’s IICDC, E2E and platform registrations to emphasize the importance of online community.

Workshop PDF Report Download : workshop-with-title

Mansoor Khan

Seminar Title : How AI/ML Changing World

Sponsered / Conducted by : Dept. of CSE

Conducted On : Sep. 28th 2019

No of attendees : 30

The entirety of the short term course was stretched across various phases in 5 days span of time. The first day began with brief introduction of Embedded system design principles and comprehensive discussion on the MSP430 architecture and its trade-offs, after theoretical discussions, practical classes were ascertained with hardware implementation of the concepts learnt using the code- composer studio and Energia IDE platforms. The second day focused on advanced concepts of embedded systems design and implementation of customized code for various sensors and actuators using the MSP430F55 platform. The third day of the workshop was a transition from Embedded systems to the brief introduction of internet of things which required us to understand various industry standard IOT protocols and their theoretical understanding. The fourth day of the workshop revolved around familiarizing with the CC3100 boosterpack hardware and frontend/backend understanding of MQTT and IOT protocols which was followed by practical implementation of all theoretical concepts simultaneously on the hardware. The fifth and the final day of the workshop was completely focused on developing a mini-project “rash driving alert system using CC3100 boosterpack and MSP430” binding all concepts learnt previously to one project, prelude to conclusion the resource personnel0 curated student registrations to Texas instrument’s IICDC, E2E and platform registrations to emphasize the importance of online community.

Workshop PDF Report Download : workshop-with-title

Mansoor Khan

No of seminars attended : 6

  • Participated in TEQIP-III Sponsored 5-days Short Term Training Program on “Optimization Techniques for Signal Processing and Network Communication (OTSPNC-2018)” conducted at NITK Suarthkal, from June 14-18, 2018.

  • Participated in two day workshop on “Machine Learning & its Applications in Engineering & Technology”, organized by MITE Moodabidri, from 6th to 7th April 2018.

  • Participated in three day “Orientation Course in Value Education”, organized by Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education, from 29th to 31st March 2018.

Workshop PDF Report Download : workshop-with-title

Mansoor Khan

No of seminars attended : 6

  • Participated in TEQIP-III Sponsored 5-days Short Term Training Program on “Optimization Techniques for Signal Processing and Network Communication (OTSPNC-2018)” conducted at NITK Suarthkal, from June 14-18, 2018.

  • Participated in two day workshop on “Machine Learning & its Applications in Engineering & Technology”, organized by MITE Moodabidri, from 6th to 7th April 2018.

  • Participated in three day “Orientation Course in Value Education”, organized by Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education, from 29th to 31st March 2018.

Workshop PDF Report Download : workshop-with-title