Which one is better Artificial Intelligence Vs Machine Learning?


With their extensive use and depth, Which one is better Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning both have already stirred up excitement in human society. But we often confuse them to be synonymous without knowing the actual difference between the two. As interconnected as they might be, it varies from each other in several ways. It is said that machine learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence and not Artificial Intelligence. Let’s have a glimpse as to what these two actually stand for.

What are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

Artificial intelligence is the capability of a computer system to mimic human cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving. Through AI, a computer system uses maths and logic to simulate the reasoning that people use to learn from new information and make decisions. On the other hand, Machine learning is an application of AI. It’s the process of using mathematical models of data to help a computer learn without direct instruction. This enables a computer system to continue learning and improving on its own, based on experience.

Differences between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Now that we know that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, although interconnected, aren’t actually the same, let us understand the basic points of differences between them.

  • Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables a machine to simulate human behavior. Machine learning is a subset or an application of AI which allows a device to automatically learn from past data without programming explicitly.
  • The goal of AI is to make an intelligent computer system like humans to solve complex problems while the goal of ML is to allow machines to learn from data so that they can give accurate output.
  • AI has a vast range of scope while Machine Learning has a wide range of scope
  • Google assistance, SIRI, Alexa, and smart cars are prime examples of artificial intelligence. The main applications of machine learning are Online recommender systems, Google search algorithms

Benefits of AI and machine learning

As we are well accustomed to the two terminologies now, let us have a tour of some of the common benefits of both technologies.

  • Improved customer experience.
  • Reduction in human errors
  • Decision making
  • Automation
  • Increase operational efficiencies.

What is better- Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning?

Till now we have well understood what artificial intelligence and machine learning stand for and how they are different from each other. Choosing the better one out of the two is a big task but given a choice, artificial intelligence would be a preferred choice for the following reasons:

  • The scope of machine learning is constrained while artificial intelligence can be used for a broader spectrum.
  • AI can choose to find the best answer while machine learning can choose the answer but it may or may not be the best.
  • AI can work with structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. On the other hand,  ML can work with only structured and semi-structured data.
  • AI is a higher cognitive process than machine learning
  • AI aims to increase the chance of success and not accuracy while ML doesn’t bother about success.

Future of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

With the amalgamation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in various industries, it is bound to improve customer satisfaction, reduce errors, and increase operational efficiencies.

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